A Chinese house that became an internet sensation after being left in the middle of new highway because its elderly owners refused to move out has been demolished.

Photographs of the house went viral on China’s social media websites last month after 67 year-old duck farmer Luo Baogen and his wife refused to sign an agreement allowing it to be demolished. This resulted in authorities building a planned road around the building. As the images spread around the world, the five-storey building became a symbol of protest against forced property demolitions, one of China’s most pressing social issues.

My comment: The Power of the Internet. WoW!!


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1 Comment
  1. This is not the first case of this in China. What I found interesting about this is that property rights (at least in the RE sense) in “communist” China are stronger in many ways in the United States. Eminent domain is abused far to often.

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