Issued June, 2015
Section VI(C) of the Criteria states:
An applicant shall not be eligible for a real property appraiser credential if, during at least the five(5) year period preceding the date of the application for licensing or certification, the applicant has been convicted of, or plead guilty or nolocontender to a crime that would call into question the applicant’s fitness for licensure.
It is impractical, and likely impossible, to compile a list of every specific circumstance where an applicant must be denied a credential. Section VI(C) is intended to provide states with the ability to deny a credential based on “public trust.” States have latitude to determine, based on their own guidelines, whether or not an applicant falls into this category and should be denied a credential.
My comment: California required background checks on all applicants when licensing first started around 20 years ago. There was a lot of discussion on what disqualified you. I didn’t hear about many license denials for experienced appraisers. I suspect this is because appraisers don’t do much criminal activity (except a few being involved in mortgage fraud). But, some had felonies in the past. For example, a felony for sale of marijuana in the 1960s – many years before the 1990s. For states which have never done background checks it is easier today. They can ask the other states what they did regarding background checks. Every state is different. Check with your state if it will be implementing background checks for the first time.
Link to Q&As
Exposure Draft, Guide Note 9 Issued January 17, 2015
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