Poll Results from www.appraisalport.com
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If you use XP today, what are your plans regarding upgrading your operating system and internet browser in 2014?
– I plan to upgrade XP to Windows 7 or 8 and use newer included IE browser, Chrome or Firefox. 573 votes 14%
– I plan to move to another platform such as Apple along with a Safari, Firefox or Chrome browser. 78 votes 1%
– I don’t plan to upgrade XP, but will move to a different browser like Chrome or Firefox. 284 votes 7%
– I’m not going to do anything and hope for the best. 601 votes 7%
– I have already upgraded my system(s). 2,220 votes 56%
– I am not sure what Operating System I use. 201 votes 5%
Total Votes: 3,957
My comment: wow. I am definitely behind!! Still using XP (too cheap to purchase new software and go through the extreme hassle of moving everything to a new computer;> Stuff going back to the early 90s, buying and installing new software, etc. etc. ;> But, I do plan to get a new computer and upgrade to Windows 8 in 2014… sometime. I have been using a macbook pro for 4 years for music and video. No hassles at all. I have a dual boot to PC and have had very few problems with it either, even though I run most of my business software on it. Few crashes and hassles on the pc side. In direct contrast, I spend about 2-3 hours per week, on average, hassling with my two desktop pcs. I guess finally, after 30 years, windows is coming close to the mac in reliability and east of use, so they say. My got first PC in 1980. Nothing but hassles since then.
what are the issues with the xp system?… haven’t heard…fill me in someone
I will probably upgrade my computer but have been thinking about going with Windows 7 professional. The idea of going the Apple route sure does appeal to me. I thought it would be a hassle to do this because my software is PC based but is sounds like you guys have not had a problem with this since you have a dual boot system. Thanks for sharing.
I use a MacBook Air and run Parallels software so that I can run Windows for my appraisal software (ACI) on my Mac. No issues. I use the Mac OS for most other programs including Office for excel and word and power point presentations.
My next mac will be a macbook air!!