Poll results from www.appraisalport.com
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What designation(s) do you currently hold?
MAI 49 votes .8%
SRA 491 votes 8%
IFA 82 votes 1.4%
ASA 24 votes .04%
Other 227 votes 4%
Two or more of the above. 92 votes 1.6%
AI associate member only 293 votes 5%
None, but state certified residential or general. 4087 votes 70%
None, but state licensed. 417 votes 7%
None, working as a trainee at this time. 50 votes 1.2%

Total Votes: 5,812

My comment: Once again, I am in the minority with an MAI and an SRA. Probably because I am an “old timer” who started before licensing and also because I have an MAI, which is very valuable for commercial appraising. No extra fee for having both designations.

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  1. AI Designations are worth the time and money. This survey is only representative of appraisal port users with those designations so i am not at all suprised. I have the MAI and the SRA and my career would be over without them.

  2. I have been appraising for 14 years now; 10 years in Florida and now 4 years in NC. I never graduated from an accredited college so the SRA thing has never been an option. In NC, we have an organization called the North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition and they have a program to get a designation called CDA (Coalition Designated Appraiser). There is a test and some additional education requirements, but I’m not sure if it is really necessary to have SOME sort of designation rather than just being state certified?
    I wonder if anyone else has had this problem or has seen the benefit of attaining something like this?

  3. NAIFA is a great organization. The only one that has a lot of residential appraisers. There is not a local NAIFA chapter where I am (northern CA) or I would be a member.

  4. The value of the SRA designation is enormous for the residential appraiser. Get one and you will see. Or, do the same thing you have always done to get the same result you have always gotten…

  5. I just joined the new National Association of Appraisers. I will probably drop AI as I was an Associate Member and don’t have time (or energy) to get a college degree or equivilant before 12/31/13 to persue an SRA. I suggested they extend the 12/31/13 deadline since we have all been so busy this year, but it fell on deaf ears. I find AI to be more for Commercial Appraisers anyway.

    • I think you can be an ai member that is not pursuing a designation. You do get discounting on classes. Being active in a local AI chapter definitely lets you get referrals.

    • AI has an affiliate membership. I noticed that several local residential appraisers dropped from associate to affiliate as they are not interested in a designation. You can still be active in the AI.

  6. I have an IFAS designation but am only an Affiliate member of the AI since they changed last year. Previously, I was an Associate membeer

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