I was interviewed on the Appraiser Coach/Dustin Harris Podcast, published July 3.
The topics were: Trainees inspecting, C&R fees, and Celebrity homes.
We debated on a Facebook discussion of whether or not an appraiser can disclose the owner’s name when appraising celebrity homes. Unfortunately, I did not read the Facebook discussion since it seemed sorta lame (big mistake) and it was removed. The issue is USPAP confidentiality requirements. Dustin said you could not reveal the name and address and I said it was ok and referenced an appraiser’s web page that had the names of all the celebrities whose homes he had appraised in Southern CA.
While discussing it, I mentioned one of my favorite terms, “USPAP Nazi”. I’m sure you know what I mean. USPAP is very gray but some appraisers have very strict interpretations that they make. Do something they don’t agree with and lose your license and/or Go To Jail. No big deal, except when they are teaching USPAP classes and you disagree. But, Very, Very important when they are on state boards.
I taught USPAP for many years, until the Appraisal Foundation mandated what materials and topics had to be used. I loved teaching USPAP and related it to practical, day to day, issues that appraisers have. Not “Do what USPAP says (how I interpret it) or you will lose your license and/or go to jail!
I am sooo glad we have never had a state board in California!! When licensing started, Governor Schwarteneger did not want any additional expenses, including state appraisal boards. Licensed appraisers, that are employees of the state of California, are used for investigations in California. Appraising can be a very small world, particularly in smaller states. Who wants a competitor or personality conflicts affecting decisions on your appraisal license?
Where to listen to the Podcast #27 – Trainees inspecting, C&R fees, Celebrity Homes with Ann O’Rourke
– Android – http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-appraiser-coach
– iTunes – Subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss any! I am a subscriber.
– Website – http://theappraisercoach.libsyn.com/
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