Don’t be like me in early 2016 and:
– Have a buncha early 2016 stuff in my 2015 computer subfolders. I file my electronic appraisal copies, and my photos, by year. Last year I did not get 2017 subfolder set up for a few months and put a few months of 2017 appraisals into my 2015 subfolder.  NOT good!!
– Not change all my appraisal report templates, especially those pesky condo templates.
– Keep writing 2016 on my personal checks. Business checks are done in Quickbooks, which keeps track of the current date.
When deciding what to write about in my newsletters, I just look in the mirror as I am an appraiser!! It also reminds me of what I need to do. Of course, most of us procrastinate on paper files, such as for bookkeeping receipts, etc…. instead of throwing them in a box for months ;>
2016 – what happened of interest to appraisers?
Not much new happened in 2016. Mostly the same old stuff – shortage of appraisers, AQB trying to reduce requirements, turn times and fees up, etc.
What’s new
– Trump possible changes/uncertainty – dump CFPB, Dodd-Frankenstein, etc. No one knows what will happen regarding appraisals, lending, etc. Maybe I will get a lower marginal tax rate someday!!
– Mortgage rates increase some in late 2016, but still well below previous low rates. Lower mortgage volume predicted for 2017.
– Fannie’s Property Inspection Waiver
– Freddie’s plan for fewer appraisals
– Revised FHA handbook
Of course, the most popular topics in these email newsletters are weird houses and buildings, real estate agent humor, and appraisers going to jail (not many now) ;> Not a lot of clicks on AQB changes, etc.

Fireplace Envy Rears Its Head
Take a few minutes and scroll through these beautiful fireplaces.
I want one but…. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, new homes are not allowed to have wood burning fireplace… pollution (also a mild climate). If you use your fireplace, neighbors don’t like it. I really miss mine. I could get a fake fireplace but it is not the same at all. I used to spend hours watching the logs in my fireplace burning. Maybe I could get one of the tiny fireplaces and put a few sticks in to burn late at night ;>
Lots of very interesting maps starting with the year 1200
In 1562 Map-Makers Thought America Was Full of Mermaids, Giants, and Dragons
Take a Journey Into One of the World’s Most Impressive Map Collections Peek inside the Bodleian Library’s Map Room.
A few of the maps
– A world map, c. 1200, from the Book of Curiosities of the Sciences and Marvels for the Eyes.
– Map of New England and New York, from The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine 1676.
Juan de la Cosa Map – The earliest known map to show America, discovered by accident at a Paris bookshop
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I only put (sort of) appraisal related links in this newsletter. There are many, many more fascinating links to explore! FYI, Atlas Obscura’s new book, Atlas Obscura, is the #1 book on the New York Times Best Seller non-fiction list. Yes, I purchased a copy.

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