What we all need… Here is one brief humorous escape!! 

Crazy Appraiser Stories!! You’ve all got them… The crazy car chases, the surprising living conditions, the exotic assignments, and the unique collectors….


The photo above is the Crazee Appraiser writing up his appraisal!

Here are a few stories

This was a beautiful 3,200 sq ft home with all the extras. After measuring, I was standing by the fireplace taking an interior photo being careful not to step on the expensive rug next to the hearth. The lady of the house looked a little alarmed, so I had to ask, “Is everything okay?”  “Oh yes, it’s just that the camera will have a click.”  I’ve heard weirder things, so after assuring her it was a very quiet click, the button went down, the picture was taken and the excitement started.

Something hit the back of my head; a soft, but very strong hit. The equivalent of a 10 mile an hour wind passed over my left shoulder and a shadow landed on the other side of the sofa which was 14’ in front of me. It seems that the fluffy 6’ rug was a once wild, African Savannah cat, stretching 6’ long as it napped on its belly. It looked like a leopard rug! With teeth longer than some fork tines, I was happy to let it hide in the bedroom, but she coaxed it out of hiding to demonstrate that it could easily jump 10’ high for a kitty treat.
– Carolyn S. Richards

Years ago I had an appraisal on a very exclusive island off the north shore of Long Island. There are about 100 homes at most and many celebrities and CEO’s live there. Homes are in the MULTI-million dollar range. When I arrived at the subject house, the owner answered the door. As I walked into a house, I noticed all the interior outer walls were covered with aluminum foil. When I gently asked the owner what the foil was for, he seriously told me that it was to keep out the rays from the aliens. It made for a very interesting valuation.
– Leigh Pollet

To read all the funny stories, click here

Appraising Weird Stuff is Challenging!(Opens in a new browser tab)

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