Fannie’s Selling Guide, which includes appraisal guidelines has been updated.
Be sure to use the new Selling Guide to find out what Fannie really says vs. what your client thinks Fannie says!!
Summary of appraisal changes
New or Updated Policies
Chapter B4
Some of the new requirements/changes:
Added the requirement that a front photograph of the subject must be taken when completing the Appraisal Update portion of the Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (Form 1004D) to validate that the appraiser has inspected at least the exterior of the property when he or she performed the
appraisal update.
Unpermitted additions
If the appraiser identifies an addition(s) that does not have
the required permit, the appraiser must comment on the quality and appearance of the work and its impact, if any, on the market value of the subject property.
Older Comparable sales
Revised the policy by removing the requirement that an explanation is required when using a comparable sale that is older than six months
Provided an example to illustrate that in some instances it
may be appropriate to use older sales with proper time
adjustments rather than a dissimilar more recent sale.
An older sale may be more appropriate in situations when
market conditions have impacted the availability of recent
sales as long as the appraisal reflects the changing market
Information related to Fannie Mae’s acceptance of unique
property types has been provided.
The definition/characteristics and the eligibility of an
accessory dwelling unit have been provided.
Be sure to use the new Selling Guide to find out what Fannie really says vs. what your client thinks Fannie says!!
Link to summary:
Link to new Web based documents:
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