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If you’ve been shopping for a cave, the Chulo Canyon Cave House in the desert hills near Bisbee, Arizona may be just the right fit. What looks like a smallish cabin from outside turns into a sprawling cavern that dives straight into the depths of a mountain. The owner-built cave home is just shy of 3000 square feet and has all the amenities of a typical ranch house and while the interior is naturally cooled, a series of natural pools up the hillside makes this cave house a truly unique eco retreat for the right spelunker.
The main house itself is entered via a very modest, almost ramshackle entrance/sunroom. The cave is actually not naturally formed, and the yellow granite was blasted out by a specialist who supported the ceiling with steel rods. The result is surprisingly natural looking as the main living space is surrounded by roughly hewn undulating rock walls. The raw spaces have been carefully detailed with modern appliances, ample iron work and built in furniture and cabinets. Past the modern high end kitchen is the dining room, bedrooms and a full bath. Being in the desert the owner even wisely installed a dual flush toilet.
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