Has the recent drop in loan originations had a direct impact on your appraisal business?
www.appraisalport.com poll results
Yes, my volume is down over 50% 1,889 votes – 31%
Yes, my volume is down between 26%-50% 1,590 votes – 26%
Yes, my volume is down between 1% – 25% 1,247 votes – 21%
No, but I anticipate it slowing down soon 411 votes – 7%
No, my volume is about the same and I don’t see it changing soon 669 votes – 11%
Not sure yet 229 votes – 4%
Total Votes: 6,035
FYI, appraisal port is a portal for lender appraisals, so this is a good indicator of changes in lender appraisal business
managers dont have to wait for appraisal time to ask; they could do it right away, tomoorrw, go in to work, and ask the first person in your team that you meet; what do they need from you that will help them do their work better, then spend the day organising it. And watch the magic begin (works especially well for project managers i have tried it)
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