www.appraisalport.com Poll Results, June 17, 2013

How much vacation time do you usually take per year?
None 893 votes 15%
1 week or less 2,251 votes 39%
2 weeks 1,624 votes 28%
3-4 weeks 712 votes 12%
5-6 weeks 128 votes 2%
More than 6 weeks 107 votes 2%
I’m partially retired 128 votes 2%

Total Votes: 5,843

My comment: I remember 26 years ago, when I was a corporate employee with 3 weeks vacation, plus sick leave. Of course, I was not a good employee. I am just not suited for working for someone else. But, I do miss those regular paychecks, vacation, benefits, etc. etc.

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