www.appraisalport.com survey
Do you think the fees you currently accept are indicative of what your work product is actually worth?
Yes, at least in most cases. (15.2%) 826 votes
Not yet, but they seem to be headed in the right direction. (33.6%) 1,821 votes
No, they would have to increase dramatically to meet the current scope of work. (51.2%) 2,774 votes
Total Votes: 5,421
My comment: My fees have always been too low and I don’t even do any AMC work! I just can’t seem to get my billings up to my $100 per hour minimum. Darn!!!
These results must change soon if this industry is to survive as a profession. As a part of change we must insist that those who regulate appraisers address the ability of clients to set fees without input from the appraiser. This of course assumes the real property appraiser refuses to be influenced by the client’s interests.