Fewer appraisers in the future – fees and turn time?

In last week’s email I reported these results:

www.appraisalport.com  poll

With few new people currently entering the appraisal profession, do you foresee a shortage of appraisers at some point?

Yes, in the next few years. 2,705 votes 47%

Yes, but it=s probably years down the road. 1,603 votes 28%

No, I don=t think we will see a chronic shortage. 1,137 votes 20%

Not sure. 253 votes 4%

Total votes: 4,818


This is a followup to that poll

As a follow up, do you think the future shortage of appraisers will affect fees and turn times?

Yes, at some point it will. 3403 vote (70.6%)

No, I don’t think it will have much effect. 663 votes (13.8%)

No, I don’t think we will see a chronic shortage. 528 votes (11%)

Not sure. 224 votes (4.6%)

Total Votes: 4,818

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Do your appraisal fees reflect the value of your work product?

www.appraisalport.com survey

Do you think the fees you currently accept are indicative of what your work product is actually worth?

Yes, at least in most cases. (15.2%) 826 votes
Not yet, but they seem to be headed in the right direction. (33.6%) 1,821 votes
No, they would have to increase dramatically to meet the current scope of work. (51.2%) 2,774 votes

Total Votes: 5,421

My comment: My fees have always been too low and I don’t even do any AMC work! I just can’t seem to get my billings up to my $100 per hour minimum. Darn!!!

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