An AMC to Keep Pace With?
Q&A with Richard Johnson of Pacer AMC
April 1, 2013
Appraisal Buzz
BUZZ: How will you differentiate your company from the other 500 AMCs?
RICHARD: We have created a unique appraiser scorecard. We have an algorithm that measures the appraiser’s self esteem. We find appraisers who set a low fee, never complain when we are a slow pay, and love challenging assignments. We have no dress code. Appraisers just hate that.
We have spent a lot of time picking the best appraisers for our assignments. We call it dialing for dollars. We reward our processers based upon setting new lows.
Because we are the low cost provider we attract the very largest lenders in the US.. These large lenders too have an algorithm that includes input as to the cost of regulation. They have figured out the risk of penalties and fines is somewhere between slim and none. They have lobbyists to ensure that. We have hitched our star to their wagon.
BUZZ: What is this we have heard of your 8 hour Turn Times?
RICHARD: One of the ways we feel we can stay ahead of our competition is we have instituted an 8 hour turn time. We feel it shouldn’t be too hard to get all our appraisals done the same day they are assigned.
Of course we are not unreasonable though if a property is over 250 miles away we allow an extra 2 hours to submit your report.
BUZZ: With all the transparency, disclosures and Customary & Reasonable laws how do you get away with being the low cost provider?
RICHARD: It is really simple. We know our clients love AMCs because they get our services for free. It is the greatest business on the planet. The appraiser pays for the services for the lender. What a racket. We find appraisers who are willing to drive anywhere and do anything for an ungodly low fee.
We don’t worry about compliance because the appraiser signs an affidavit that certifies we have paid them a customary and reasonable fee. Have you seen the CFPB enforce any appraisal rules ? No of course not. Zero risk for lenders and AMCs.
My comment: be sure to click on the link and read the rest of the articled before you let your blood pressure go way up ;> It was published on April Fools Day!!