The Sales Comparison Approach in Appraisals

Newz: Shadowy AMC Fees, State Board Complaints, Borrower Questions

January 24, 2025

What’s in This Newsletter (In Order, Scroll Down)

  • LIA AD: Borrower Wants Answers Appraiser Can’t Give
  • The Sales Comparison Approach: A Cornerstone of Real Estate Appraisal
  • Waterfront Home in Boca Raton, FL $25,000,000
  • Metrics – What Poetry and Data Analysis Have in Common
  • The Shadowy AMC Fees Draining Billions from Homebuyers
  • Why Report a State Board Investigation or Complaint?
  • Trump signs executive order to reduce housing costs, but will it work?
  • Mortgage applications increased 0.1 percent from one week earlier


The Sales Comparison Approach: A Cornerstone of Real Estate Appraisal

By Kevin Hecht

Excerpts: For experienced real estate appraisers, the sales comparison approach is more than just a method — it is a reflection of their expertise and competency in the marketplace. By mastering this approach and staying informed about industry standards and technological advancements, appraisers can ensure that their work meets the highest standards of professionalism and accuracy.

Challenges and Best Practices

While the sales comparison approach is a powerful tool, it is not without challenges. Appraisers may encounter situations where there is a lack of recent sales data or where the subject property is unique. In such cases, appraisers must exercise judgment and creativity to develop credible results.

Some common challenges include:

Inadequate Market Data: In markets with limited sales activity, finding comparable properties can be difficult. Appraisers may need to expand their search geographically or consider older sales, making appropriate adjustments for time.

Dissimilar Comparables: When the subject property has unique features, it may be challenging to find truly comparable sales. Appraisers must carefully analyze and adjust for these differences.

Unsupported Adjustments: Adjustments must be based on market evidence. Unsupported or arbitrary adjustments can undermine the credibility of the appraisal.

To overcome these challenges, appraisers should:

  • Conduct thorough market research to identify the best available comparables.
  • Use both quantitative and qualitative analysis to support adjustments.
  • Document their reasoning and methodology clearly in the appraisal report.

To read more, Click Here

My comments: Good reminders of the Sales Comparison Approach.



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Waterfront Home in Boca Raton, FL $25,000,000

Excerpts: 12 bedrooms, 11 baths, 12,709 sq.ft., 0.53 Acres, Built in 2016

Direct Intracoastal Point Lot with 256 ft of Waterfrontage and .53 Acres. Built of John Ross/ ROSSCO Const, the beauty of the lot is that it is sited on an expansive Nautical turn of the Intracoastal so it captures the gorgeous long North views.

There are 2 staircases, one with Marble & tile work by a Canadian Artist and banister designed by a metal artist and the owner, the other is a tree staircase The best part is you do not have to climb down the stairs as there is a hand crafted wooden Dragon Slide from the second floor to the foyer. The central slide seen from the front door is artizanally made from oak by local artist. The observation deck (covered) offers stunning views of the Intracoastal, and it includes another outside shower, and solar panels.

In the middle there is a 20 sitting Norse carved table with Helga and Magnus dragons protecting it. There are tile murals, stained glass windows and ceiling paintings all over the house, also thematic. The kitchen is dedicated to the Elements of Air and a story of its power is depicted on its ceiling.

To see the listing and 209 Photos, Click Here

My comments: Thanks to Joe Lynch for this listing with very colorful exterior and interiors!

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Appraiser Humor

Newz: Appraiser Humor, Data Cancer In Comps,
AMC Panel “Requirements”

December 20, 2025

What’s in This Newsletter (In Order, Scroll Down)

  • LIA ad: AMC Panel “Requirements”
  • 12 Days of Appraiser Christmas
  • Santa’s House returns to Zillow with new ‘Let Santa Know You Moved’ feature
  • The Town Where Santa’s Sleigh Is a Surf Boat in Mooloolaba Australia
  • You Are Not a Business Owner!
  • Data Cancer In Your Comps

  • Mortgage applications decreased 0.7 percent from one week earlier



12 Days of Appraiser Christmas

NOTE on video: Click on image and it opens in Youtube.

Very funny!! 3.5 minute video

Here are two of the days: 8 mega mansions, 5 REOs

Many thanks to Gary F. Kristensen, SRA, ASA, AGA at A Quality Appraisals in Portland, Oregon.



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Low Appraisal Fees in 2024

CFPB Crackdown: Unfair Practices Hurting Consumers

This includes Appraisal payments to appraisers by AMCs

by Josh Tucker, June 5, 2024

Comments must be received on or before August 2, 2024

Excerpts: As we all know many AMCs are not paying Customary & Reasonable fee as required by TILA. They have consistently pushed down the pay of Appraisers while making undisclosed profit off consumers and prioritizing cheapest and fastest over quality and competency. The CFPB has been in communication with individuals behind the scenes and are concerned with what has been shown enough to include AMCs in their data collection process.

Now is the time to send them everything we have. To drive legitimate change, we must encourage as many appraisers as possible to submit all relevant information to the contact details provided below.



Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions AGENCY: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket No. CFPB-2024-0021, by any of the following methods:

Federal eRulemaking Portal: . Follow the instructions for submitting comments. NOTE: THE SEARCH WAS NOT WORKING ON JUNE 6. MAY WORK LATER. CAN USE EMAIL.

Email: Include Docket No. CFPB-2024-0021 in the subject line of the message.

Mail / Hand Delivery / Courier: Comment Intake —Residential Mortgage Fees Assessment, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552.

To read more, Click Here

My comments: DO SOMETHING. YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Let CFPB know about the amount of AMC fees for appraisers, plus other problems. In my opinion, AMCs are ruining residential lender appraising. I have never worked for an AMC, but I’ve been appraising for almost 50 years and understand the problems.


Appraisal Fees & Value: Lessons from Picasso & Steinmetz

By “Apex Appraiser” June 3, 2024

The Appraisal Institute has been a source of frustration and criticism within the appraisal profession for quite some time. I must admit that I have also expressed my dissatisfaction with them. Nevertheless, I must acknowledge that the new CEO, Cindy Chance, appears to be a positive change and is making some valuable points about our profession from her new position. In particular, she recently discussed appraisal fees in a piece she wrote.

In this excerpt, she shares two stories that provide valuable insights. These stories, one involving art and the other science, highlight the fact that appraising is a combination of both.

First is the story about a young woman who encountered Pablo Picasso one spring day, in a park, sketching. She begged him to sketch her. He graciously agreed, and following a few moments of study and drawing, handed her a sketch of herself. When she asked what she owed him, Picasso answered “$5,000 madam.” “But it only took you five minutes.” “No, madam, it took me my whole life.”

To read more, plus many appraiser comments, Click Here

My comments: Worth reading, plus the appraisers comments. I have been following CEO Cyndi Chance since she started working for AI. It’s definitely a “breath of fresh air” for the AI!



Appraisers Riding the Waves of Up and Down Mortgage Rates

Appraisal Business Tips 

Humor for Appraisers

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on state appraisal boards, liability, appraiser insurance, price per sq.ft. up 50%, sea level rise, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc

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What AMCs Say to Appraisers and How to Respond

What AMCs say to appraisers and How to Respond

By Steven W. Vehmeier

Excerpts: A student contacted me with the following dilemma concerning an Appraisal Management Company (AMC) request: “I told the Management Company that I cannot mark the Zoning Compliance as ‘Legal’ if the report is marked “as-is,” because this would not be true for the current “as-is” condition of the subject on the effective date of the appraisal. The AMC insists that as long as I disclose in the addendum that the zoning is currently ‘illegal,’ then I can mark on the first page as ‘Legal.’”

Taking the matter to the source can be accomplished by: 1) personal research of the appropriate documents, which is sometimes faster, or 2) emailing the controlling entity for their official answer. Notice I didn’t say to phone them. I want the answer in writing to pass on to the client/AMC.

To read more, click here

My comment: Some Most Excellent and practical tips!! My bottom-line advice: Fire the AMC! We all know there is always another AMC that is desperate for appraisers today. Now is a good time to shop for one that is easy to work for. You could check in appraisal online groups to see what they say. If they are not competitors, hopefully, you can get some good ideas. Be sure to post your location.

What to Do When Your Appraisal Is Under Review

Appraisal Business Tips 

Humor for Appraisers

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To read more of this long blog post with many topics, click Read More Below!!

NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on unusual homes, FHA, Fannie, E&O, liability, time adjustments, price per sq.ft. mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Should Appraisers Pay to Be on AMC List

By Dustin Harris

Excerpt: Should appraisers pay to be on an AMC’s approved appraiser list? Is this one way to get new clients? If an AMC solicited you, would you check it out?

Now, I work for some AMCs that, frankly, you might not choose to work for. That’s fine. It’s a choice we all make. Understand that most of the areas I work are rural, so AMCs are generally willing to pay more because of this. Some AMC are very demanding. Yet, when I meet those demands, I get a lot of well-paying jobs from them.

To read more, plus lots of appraiser comments, and listen to the podcast, click here

My comment: A never-ending very controversial topic ever since AMCs took over residential lender appraisals after the mortgage crash around 2008!

Which Appraisal Clients are used the most?(Opens in a new browser tab)

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Coronavirus and Appraisals March 13 2020

Appraiser’s (Changing) Role

Q&A with Mark Verrett, Chief Innovation Officer at Accurity Valuation

Excerpts: WRE: How can appraisers adapt to meet the profession demands?

Verrett: I think there are several ways to adapt to these challenges. The first is to work toward diversifying your practice away from 100 percent mortgage business niches. Our firm is a leader in green valuation, rural valuation, valuation consulting and litigation support and we help our offices diversify into those spaces. However, this solution isn’t for everyone….

To directly take on the challenges facing appraiser relevancy in the mortgage space, significant change is required. Appraisers need to unite to create a like-minded national voice that is not rejecting proposed changes for the profession, but rather working with stakeholders (regulators, lenders, clients, etc.) in conceptualizing, testing, tweaking, and ultimately modernizing the appraisal process on the mortgage side.

The appraisal community has a tough assignment in their role in this modernization. To be useful in the discussion, we need to challenge ourselves to be creative and open-minded, yet diligent in maintaining or, even better, improving the quality of the valuation being produced. I think it is extremely important for appraisers to listen and understand the needs of their clients and to creatively develop solutions that meet those needs.

Worth reading with some good ideas. To read more, click here

My comment: Accurity has franchisees and some very savvy appraiser officers and directors.

Appraisal Business Tips 

Humor for Appraisers

Covid-19 Residential Appraisers Tips on Staying Safe

For Covid Updates, go to my Covid Science blog at

Appraiser Covid Survey Results April 2020

To read more of this long blog post, click Read More Below!!

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Does a Bedroom Need a Window for Appraisals?

Does a Bedroom Need a Window To Be Legal?

Excerpts: Bedrooms are one of those features of a home that sounds good if there are more of them. I get calls all of the time from real estate agents asking if a certain room can be considered a bedroom.

Of course, there are other ways to look at this as well. There are two components to the value of a bedroom including the utility of the room to be used as a bedroom and also the actual square footage that it occupies in the house. Does a Bedroom Need a Window for Appraisals?

To read more, click here

My comment: Written for agents, but very good analysis of relevant market factors plus what building codes say (International Residential Code – IRC). I have an excellent article on bedrooms on the paid subscriber page, with lots of details on different standards, such as FHA. I get questions about what is a bedroom regularly from real estate agents.

Appraisal Humor

Appraisal business tips

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Appraiser Work Stress Humor

8 Funny Quotes About Appraiser Work Stress

Just For Fun!!

Excerpts: Real estate appraisal is an exciting and enjoyable profession—for the most part. But every appraiser knows that the job can be stressful at times, especially for those who are self-employed. If you’re having a hectic or frustrating day on the job, it helps to have a sense of humor. Here are some super funny quotes about work stress that we hope will brighten your day. Appraiser Work Stress Humor is what we all need!!

A few quotes

“‘Yay! It’s the weekend!’ Said nobody who is self-employed.”

“There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full.” ­— Henry Kissinger

Very creative gifs! Sorry, they don’t work in these emails. To see them, click here

My comment: Very Funny and Realistic!

Appraisal Humor

Appraisal business tips

Which Appraisal Clients are used the most?(Opens in a new browser tab)

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos for Appraisers(Opens in a new browser tab)

To read about lots more appraisal topics, continue reading below!

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What is a Competent Appraiser?

“Damn Right I’m a Competent Appraiser…Aren’t I?”

By Tim Andersen, MAI

Excerpt: To appraise a property, and then report it according to USPAP, is a requirement USPAP demands and the states enforce. All too often, reviewers see in reports boilerplate (especially in the reconciliation) such as: “In my professional opinion, the value of the subject is $XXXXXX”. In the light of competency, look closely at SR1-6(a) and (b), the reconciliation standards rule. What is a Competent Appraiser?

If there is nothing more in the reconciliation than this single (essentially meaningless) sentence, the appraiser has not complied with SR1-5(a) and (b), thus evidenced a lack of competency. In turn, the appraiser certified to a lie, in that, in not complying, the appraiser omitted preparing the report in accordance with Standards 1 and 2 of USPAP. To add insult to injury, the appraiser has violated SR2-1(b) in that the above statement and certification, with no other context or explanation, are misleading. Three serious USPAP violations might stem from these 11-words.

Therefore, relative to the concept of competency, the deeper meaning is that the above 11-words are capable of generating three charges from the state. In addition, they can generate questions from reviewers. When appraisers appraise the property credibly, and then report the results of that appraisal in a non-misleading manner, they avoid both attention from reviewers and from the state. Thus, in turn, they save not only time and money, they show themselves to be competent. They appear more professional. Professionals can and do charge more for their time and efforts, right? Let us, therefore, be professionals.

My NOTE: This blog post starts with USPAP competency standards and includes an analysis of Competency and the Fannie forms Neighborhood section.

To read more, click here

My comment: Tim Andersen is definitely a USPAP Expert! He writes, speaks, teaches classes, etc. on USPAP topics. He also helps appraisers get their appraisals more USPAP complaint. He focuses on residential appraisal issues – state boards, reviewers, AMCs, etc.

Appraisal Humor

Appraisal business tips

Covid-19 Residential Appraisers Tips on Staying Safe

Which Appraisal Clients are used the most?(Opens in a new browser tab)

To read about lots more appraisal topics, continue reading below!

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10 Very Unique Bathrooms for Appraisers

Unique Bathrooms

Excerpt: The world is filled with remarkable restrooms. Some of them are no longer open to the public, such as the Stufetta del Bibbiena, a small bathing chamber with erotic-art-covered walls in the Vatican’s Papal Apartments. Others have been transformed into something totally new, like the London coffee shop that was once a Victorian urinal. But there are plenty of breathtaking bathrooms that are publicly accessible and just waiting to be wetted. These are 10 of the world’s most opulent and bizarre bathrooms. These 10 Very Unique Bathrooms for Appraisers are fascinating and unique!

Here are a few

  • Two story bathroom
  • Berlin Wall urinal
  • World’s Most beautiful public toilet

To read lots more info and see the good fotos To read more, click here

My comments: FYI, bathrooms are one of the very most popular topics in these free appraiser weekly emails. I have no idea why ;>

Appraisal Humor

Appraisal business tips

Covid-19 Residential Appraisers Tips on Staying Safe

Very unusual bathrooms for appraisers(Opens in a new browser tab)

To read about lots more appraisal topics, continue reading below!

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