What Tools Do You Use to Support Your Appraisal Adjustments?
By McKissock
As part of our monthly survey series, we asked our community of real estate appraisers, “What tool(s) do you use to support your appraisal adjustments?” Respondents were allowed to make multiple selections and write in their own answers as well.
Popular tools include Synapse by Spark, Solomon Adjustment Calculator, and Redstone by Bradford Technologies. The majority of respondents said they use a combination of various tools and methods, such as paired sales analysis.
We’ve included “paired sales/matched pair analysis” in the list as well, even though it’s a method rather than a digital or appraisal software tool, because it was mentioned by so many appraisers.
A few sample appraiser comments:
“I am capable of determining the adjustments without any software. I look at the MLS data and am able to determine appropriate adjustments. I would need to know all of the assumptions the software takes into consideration before I would trust the adjustment with my signature.”
“I use Synapse by Spark for typical property adjustments and Solomon for more complex properties.”
In addition to the top answers, we received many other write-in responses. Sample responses:
Allocation method
Cost to build
Sample appraiser comments
“Due to rural location, there are no algorithmic tools to be utilized for adjustment data. I utilize paired and grouped data analysis and experience and knowledge.”
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My comments: Short, well written, and Very Interesting, especially the appraiser’s comments! I quit doing adjustments a while ago. I always do market conditions adjustments (or explain why not) and for views and other factors that significantly add to value.
I have never used any of the appraisal software listed above. I use Excel and MLS data. I often go back in time for comps with views, etc. I also interview agents to see what they say. Not for a number, but about marketability.
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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on Geographic Data and Comps, effect of renovation on value, very low foreclosures now, current real estate market, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.
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