How to Find Comps With Few Sales

The challenge of pulling comps in 2024

By Ryan Lundquist

February 14, 2024

Excerpts: Pulling comps in 2024 is tough. Think about it this way. If we have 40% fewer sales happening, that means there are 40% fewer comps. Yikes. Let’s talk about this. I also have some market recap visuals to unpack what’s been happening in 2024 so far.


One of the things I’m doing more often today is looking at older comps in the immediate neighborhood. I find myself scouring 2021 onward especially. The truth is there are portions of 2021 and 2022 where prices are exactly the same as today too, so if I use an older comp, I don’t always need to adjust for the way the market has changed. But backing up, I can look at older stuff for the sake of research, but this doesn’t mean I’ll use a super old comp in a report. In short, it’s not enough today to go back 90-180 days because there just aren’t enough data points in so many cases…


The median price for the region doesn’t translate rigidly to neighborhoods, so be careful about saying stuff like, “The median is up 3% this year, so neighborhood prices are up 3%.” Maybe. Maybe not. Look to the comps most of all. In my experience, some people get really upset when I share median trends because the sentiment is the median isn’t a perfect metric (true)…


Looking up other nearby neighborhoods is something I’ve done much more of lately since sales volume has plummeted. The ideal is to compare areas with similar prices, but even if the price point is a bit different, it can be valuable to see what is happening in a different nearby neighborhood. I may or may not use comps from a different neighborhood. I’m just trying to understand what the market is doing…

To read more and see the graphs with excellent illustrations, Click Here

My comments: Very good tips from Ryan. Market conditions is the easiest adjustment to make. This is my first choice for any unusual homes without current data in any market. I quit making dollar adjustments on form appraisals many years ago, but I always do market conditions adjustments when needed. I appraise a lot of 2-4 units and regularly go to other neighborhoods for comps.

I have been doing this for many years. I do a lot of estate appraisals, which are not current value.

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on residential fee appraiser testifies at bias hearing, what happens to Fannie complaints, Why I love real estate appraising,  unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Appraising Historical Homes

Historical Properties and Their Unique Appraisal Approaches

Excerpts: Appraising historical properties involves a complex interplay of factors, making it a specialized field within real estate valuation. This article provides an insight into the appraisal process of historical properties, emphasizing the role of market data, potential buyers, specialized databases, appraisal methods, and the significant impact of preservation restrictions.

The appraisal process begins with a thorough analysis of market data, focusing on sales of properties that share historical or antique characteristics. This comparative market analysis extends beyond standard parameters like size and location to include age, architectural style, and historical significance. The scarcity of historical properties often requires appraisers to expand their search to find comparable sales, both geographically and over longer time frames.

The distinction between a historic property with preservation restrictions and an old house without them is crucial in the appraisal process. Preservation restrictions, often governed by the National Register or local historical commissions, can add value by ensuring the property’s integrity. However, these restrictions may also limit modifications, potentially affecting the property’s market appeal.

To read more, Click Here

My comments: If you don’t want to appraise a historic property, be sure to check it out before accepting the assignment!

Worth reading. A good summary. I suspect that a company based in Boston, MA sees lots of historic homes!

For many years I appraised in the nearby city of Berkeley, CA. There were definitely adjustments for homes built by famous, widely known, architects. Fortunately, their names were listed in the MLS.

In my small city, there are a few homes by famous architects. One was sold about 20 years ago by a famous architect, Julia Morgan. She designed more than 700 buildings in California during a long and prolific career. She is best known for her work on Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California. No effect on value. I was surprised. If it was in Berkeley, there would be a substantial adjustment.

Some cities have large historic buildings, such as the City Hall in my city, built in 1895, twenty years after the city charter in 1872. The Gold Rush in California started in 1848, which brought many people to Northern California.

But, in my city, there are many restrictions on what can be done with older homes, such as Victorians. For example, window replacements must replicate the original windows, plus some other restrictions on exterior modifications. Restrictions are from the city, the county, and the state. In my city of 78,000 population, there are over 10,000 buildings constructed prior to 1930, including many classic Victorians.

Many downtown mixed-use buildings (retail and apartments) are in my city. I appraised many of them, but never noticed any effect, plus or minus, for historic designation.

Knowing what modifications are allowed is very important for the appraiser. Many people don’t like them. You need to know the market. Sometimes buyers like them and sometimes not.

See how many historic homes and buildings are where you do appraisals and where you live. You may be surprised!



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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on appraiser fights back against bias accusation, ok behavior when taking Zoom CE classes, estate appraisal liability issues, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Appliances for FHA appraisals

How does the FHA define appliances?

By Daniel A. Bradley, SRA, CDEI

In September of 2015, FHA revised Handbook 4000.1 to provide a specific definition, which includes:




Garbage disposals


Washers and dryers

It’s important to note this does not include garage door openers, swimming pool pumps, intercoms, sound systems, and security systems.

How do appraisers consider appliances?

FHA Handbook 4000.1 also clarifies when appliances are required to be operational by stating, “Appliances that are to remain and that contribute to the market value opinion must be operational,” and, “The Appraiser must note all appliances that remain and contribute to the Market Value.”

FHA requirements for appliances: Is a house required to have a stove?

To read more, Click Here

My comments: Worth reading if you do FHA appraisals. Short and understandable. I did FHA appraisals for a few years in the mid-80s. Too many requirements so I quit doing them, but they helped me get started in my appraisal business.


Appraisers Riding the Waves of Up and Down Mortgage Rates

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on E&O and state boards, bias, 32% sales are new homes, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Appraiser Has Very Big Problems With Borrower

The Sopranos – Lupertazzi’s Rough Up Appraiser

To watch, click the video above. Opens in You Tube.

Members of the Lupertazzi Crime Family rough up an appraiser who is involved with Tony’s HUD scam.

I will never forget “I’m only the appraiser!” I use the phrase sometimes ;>

It’s one of the few times appraisers are in movies or TV series!

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on non-lender appraisals, and types of bias,  Scams on black homes, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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USPAP Myths for Appraisers

Five USPAP Myths Dispelled in 2024 USPAP

By Daniel A. Bradley, SRA, CDEI, McKissock Learning

On May 5, 2023, the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) voted to adopt changes to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), which will become effective January 1, 2024. These represent the first changes to USPAP in four years. Many of the changes will not have a significant impact on the way appraisers practice but are nevertheless important for public trust.

Appraisers and the public have traditionally held several misconceptions about USPAP, and these changes should help to dispel some of those myths. There are five myths and misconceptions that are addressed in the changes to the 2024 USPAP.

  • Myth 1: USPAP Allows Discrimination as Long as the Appraiser’s Conclusions are Supported
  • Myth 2: The Removal of the Definition of Misleading from USPAP Reduces Liability for Appraisers
  • Myth 3: An Inspection of the Subject Property by a Third Party is the Equivalent of a Personal Inspection by an Appraiser
  • Myth 4: Appraisers are not Required to Analyze Prior Non-Sale Transfers of the Subject Property
  • Myth 5: The USPAP Update Course Cycle is the Same as the USPAP Publication Cycle

To read more, Click Here

My comments: It’s worth reading, especially if you do residential lender appraisals. Lender issues are a significant factor in USPAP and Myths 1 to 4. I suppose it is because most appraisals are done (now) for residential lending purposes. Many thanks to Dan Bradley for writing about the 2024 USPAP changes.

2024 USPAP For Appraisers

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on New CA bias classes,  2024 New Years resolutions, 2024 goals, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Functional Obsolescence for Appraisers

Understanding Functional Obsolescence in Appraisals

By: McKissock

Excerpts: For appraisers, functional obsolescence can be a challenging concept because the elements that influence property values may not be obvious or immediately apparent. To help you better understand what it means and how to pinpoint it, we’re exploring some examples the different types of functional obsolescence, and how it can influence property values.

Functional obsolescence may or may not be caused by trends in buyer or market preferences, outdated design, or even advances in technology. Let’s look at a few examples:

  1. A home has three bedrooms, but to reach the third bedroom, you have to walk through the other secondary bedroom. Buyers are likely to see this as a flaw in the floor plan regardless of trends.
  2. A home has a separate formal living room, an enclosed kitchen, and a separate dining room. Today’s buyer prefers a more open, casual layout and may find the separate rooms a flaw in the floor plan, though this may change with market trends.
  3. A home with radiator heat and window unit air conditioning may be seen as functionally obsolete, and thus less valuable, as more modern homes have forced air furnaces and central air conditioning.

Measuring functional obsolescence and its effect on a property’s value can be challenging for even experienced appraisers. To ensure accurate reports, it’s essential you stay up to date and aware of market trends, and even code and building updates, as these changes over time do determine both curable and incurable obsolescence.

To read more, Click Here

My comments: All appraisers see functional obsolescence. Making adjustments can be tough. You need to know the market reaction.

For example, there are many Victorians in my market. They were built without closets and used armoires (free standing closets). It is not considered functional obsolescence as it retains a classic feature in many Victorian homes. I always wonder about what appraisers from tract home areas think about Victorians. I assume (hope) they ask local agents. When I started appraising them, that’s what I did.

I regularly tell local agents that “tandem” rooms don’t count as bedrooms. I’m trying not to think about how many listings have an incorrect number of bedrooms!

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on Pool converted to man cave, saving noney, NJ appraiser censorship, bias, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Superadequacy Adjustments for Appraisals

How to Account for a Superadequacy

By: McKissock

Excerpts: What is superadequacy?

Per The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th Ed., superadequacy is defined as “an excess in the capacity or quality of a structure or structural component; determined by market standards.” It’s a type of functional obsolescence in which the structure or one of its components is overly improved to a capacity or quality than a prudent buyer or owner would build or pay.

While we provide more detailed illustrations below, a simple example would be a 5,000 square foot luxury home built in a neighborhood comprised of two and three-bedroom mid-century ranch homes.

Example #1: Superadequate custom fireplace

Example #2: Superadequate 12-car garage

To read more, Click Here

My comments: Although the blog post references luxury homes, this can occur anywhere. Have you ever driven closer and closer to your subject and noticed that the homes are much smaller or have standard designs? You keep getting closer, hoping it is not your subject. It Is! This definitely has happened to me. Large unusual additions, two large kitchens, very extensive landscaping, etc.

Maybe you were busy and forgot to check it out in public records, MLS or speaking with the owner or agent (if a sale) when scheduling the appointment.

Market Your Appraisal Services: 59 Ways to Get More Business Now

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on answering your phone, appraiser censorship, bias, how to do graphs,  unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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UAD and Forms Redesign Update for Appraisers

UAD and Forms Redesign Update

Excerpts: Improving the Quality and Consistency of Appraisal Data

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) have worked on the UAD redesign since 2018, leveraging extensive stakeholder input to update the appraisal dataset, align it with current mortgage industry data standards (MISMO® v3.6), and replace the GSE appraisal forms with a single data-driven, flexible, and dynamic appraisal report for any residential property type.

To watch the Excellent UAD and Forms Redesign Video (3 min. 47 seconds) Click Here

For more detailed information on web page Click Here

My comments: Watch the short video. On the links list on the right side of the webpage, GSE Experts Answer Your UAD Redesign Questions is short and understandable.

The UAD and Appraisers – Past, Present, and Future

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on Non-lender appraisals, handline wide swings in appraisal volume, economic analysis for appraisers, Wells Fargo Mortgage discrimination, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.


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Appraisers and Property Data Collectors

4 Myths About Property Data Collection

By McKissock


Myth #1: PDC is the same thing as property appraisal

As a professional appraiser, you know very well that what a property data collector does is not the same as what you do — even if your clients don’t always understand the difference. While there is some overlap, being qualified to perform an appraisal requires much more training, education, and expertise, and the job goes far beyond gathering physical data.

Myth #2: Data collectors are going to replace appraisers

There’s a lot of buzz right now about PDC possibly replacing traditional property appraisal, but the intent of this service is to fill a gap in the lending process. The job assignments given to property data collectors are often the types of assignments that wouldn’t come across an appraiser’s desk. For example, property data collectors (PDCs) may be engaged by lenders for very low-risk loans where an appraisal is not required.

Myth #3: PDCs are not properly trained or qualified

While there isn’t a license, PDCs are still required to be trained and competent to do their job. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require that PDCs must be professionally trained and vetted. They must adhere to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac’s property data standards which set forth the minimum requirements for collection of the subject property data.

Myth #4: PDC is bad for appraisers

Probably the most prevalent myth is that PDC is bad for appraisers and bad for the profession in general. But in actuality, it may offer some significant upsides for appraisers. In particular, becoming a property data collector may be beneficial for:

  • Appraisal trainees in need of extra income
  • Busy appraisers who are looking to delegate tasks
  • Older appraisers who are looking to reduce physically demanding tasks or may be transitioning into retirement
  • Any appraisers wanting to grow their bifurcated and hybrid appraisal services

To read more, click here

My comments: We all know that appraisers would be the best PDCs. My article in the November issue of Appraisal Today has lots of information, including lists of which AMCs use PDCs. “Property Data Collectors (PDCs) Will Be Widely Used by Lenders in the GSEs Value Acceptance + Property Data Option”

This is an excellent diversification opportunity while business is slow. Trainees can do them.

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on Liability, Bias, reviewers with little experience, GSE modernization, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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Freddie Advice: How to Avoid Using “Bad” Words

More Objective Appraisals: A Practical Guide for Appraisers

By Scott Reuter Single-Family Chief Appraisal Officer, Freddie Mac

Excerpts: Changing the Mindset – Facts First

What’s the number one thing appraisers should be doing when they develop an appraisal? Stick to the facts. Here are a few more best practices that can help appraisers achieve more objective appraisals.

  • Don’t think like a salesperson – avoid words that may be common in Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and used to help sell a home.
  • Don’t use shorthand – both ‘123 Church Street’ and ‘123 Church’ could refer to an address but might come across differently in an appraisal.
  • Don’t copy and paste – avoid copying from Wikipedia or old appraisal reports or commonly used templates when providing neighborhood descriptions for similar communities.
  • Use pre-screening practices – while you can implement your own pre-screening process, some appraisal companies can implement them too.

To read more, click here 

My comments: Read this article! Not just a list of words and phrases. Excellent examples and analysis. The author started as a second-generation practicing residential appraiser. He knows what you want.


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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on effect of low rates on existing home loans, Liability, Bias, FHA manufactured home changes, unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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