Freddie Mac Appraisal Advice

Newz: Freddie Mac Insights, HUD Bias charges against Appraiser, Lender and AMC, ROV Guidance

July 26, 2024


What’s in This Newsletter (in Order, Scroll Down)

  • Judicial Appraiser Panels
  • Appraisal Insights With Freddie Mac
  • HUD Charges Appraiser, Appraisal Management Company, and Lender with Race Discrimination
  • Agencies Finalize Interagency Guidance on Reconsiderations of Value for Residential Real Estate Valuations
  • ‘Twisters’ Begs the Question: Can You Truly Tornado-Proof a Home? A Reality Check
  • Southernmost House in Continental U.S. Is for Sale in Key West (It’s Next to the Buoy) for $18.5 million
  • Mortgage applications decreased 2.2 percent from one week earlier


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Appraisal Business Tips 

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Appraisal Insights With Freddie Mac

by Scott Reuter, Freddie Mac

One of the goals at Freddie Mac is to help lead the way toward a more transparent and equitable housing finance process. Across our many priorities, we’re committed to offering trends, best practices and insight to the industry. As strategies continue to develop and evolve, we believe it’s important to engage and communicate with stakeholders, so here are three key items we believe appraisers should keep top of mind in 2024.

1. More Objective Appraisals

An important component to transparency is ensuring that appraisal reports for loans sold to Freddie Mac are free of subjective or potentially biased language…

2. Market Conditions Analysis

Market conditions analysis is the backbone of an appraisal. It’s a necessary step in developing credible reports. This analysis is the study of market area conditions and the changes in price levels over time…

It’s important to note from a development perspective that market conditions must be analyzed on every appraisal assignment. Market adjustments should not be viewed as a filler adjustment. Market conditions adjustments are technically among the first modifications that should be made, before accounting for physical differences. Taking shortcuts here diminishes the reliability of the adjustments that follow and the overall credibility of the appraisal report.

3. Quality vs. Condition

While most appraisers demonstrate a solid understanding of the quality and condition ratings, Freddie Mac still sees inconsistencies in the way these are reported. As might be expected, most of the issues for reported condition fall between the definitional lines of C3 to C4 and C4 to C5.

Also, there seems to be a notion by some appraisers that a C3 condition is equal to “average.” Please be mindful that a C3 home is described as generally well-maintained and showing minimal physical depreciation from regular wear and tear. In contrast, a C4 condition applies to a home that’s adequately maintained, has slight deferred maintenance and minor physical wear and tear, and may need cosmetic or minor repairs.

The author, Scott Reuter is single-family chief appraisal officer for Freddie Mac. He is a certified general appraiser with more than 30 years of experience in valuation, appraisal and collateral risk management concerns.

To read more, Click Here

My comments: Well written and practical. Worth reading, with good tips and links for all the topics. If you do residential lender appraisals, read this article.

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How to select appraisal comps

Dos and Don’ts of Selecting Appraisal Comps

Excerpts: Follow these dos and don’ts to help ensure that relevant comparable sales are established:

Here are a few topics

  • Do welcome relevant comparable sales from real estate agents
  • Don’t limit the number of comparable sales to three
  • Do consider objective characteristics when selecting competing neighborhoods

Don’t use appraisal comps based on price

As an appraiser, you must provide an unbiased opinion of value. Selecting comparable properties based on price may inadvertently favor properties within a predetermined price range, rather than those genuinely similar to the subject property in terms of location, size, condition, and other relevant characteristics. To maintain objectivity and credibility, you should evaluate sales based on criteria that most accurately reflect comparability, rather than focusing on price.

Do focus on characteristics of the property

Identify properties with comparable square footage (including finished basements), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, lot size, view (e.g., waterfront), and amenities. Prioritize features that are highly sought-after in the property type and market. For instance, in the subject’s market, a mountain view could significantly impact the demand and marketability of a vacation condominium home.

To read more, Click Here

My comments: Worth reading. Good analysis of factors in comp selection.

Appraisal Business Tips 

Humor for Appraisers

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on Fannie March Update, Bias and not using time adjustments, Climate change effects on risk and values, answer your phone if you want more appraisal business,  unusual homes, mortgage origination stats, etc.

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SFR with ADU or Two Units?

How to Identify a Single-Family with ADU vs. Two-Family Property

By McKissock


The presence of an additional living unit can complicate the appraisal process. It may make it difficult for you, the appraiser, to know how to classify the subject property. How do you know whether you’re dealing with an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) or a second unit?

Topics include:

  • ADU meaning and types
  • What is a two-family property?
  • How to tell if it’s a single-family with ADU vs. two-family property
  • It’s more likely to be a two-family property vs. single-family with ADU if:
  • It’s more likely to be a single-family with ADU vs. two-family property if:

To read more, click here

My comments: ADUs have been a controversial topic for a long time in California as state and local governments kept changing their ADU requirements. Finally, what they are and where they can be built became standardized. Today, they are becoming popular to get extra rentals in markets low on housing. Most recently, there is a possible regulation to sell them separately from the main house. Another tricky HBU issue in California!

Check the regulations in your state, county, or city.

Appraisal Business Tips 

Humor for Appraisers

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NOTE: Please scroll down to read the other topics in this long blog post on  non-lender appraisals, VA, flood and fires no insurance, retirement,  few lender appraisals, unusual homes, mortgage origination

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Very Funny appraisal commercials

Very Funny appraisal commercials
Just For Fun (and maybe some ideas)

Here are a few titles:
  • Hire An Appraiser… Avoid Getting Into A Stinky Situation!
  • Looking For An Appraiser? Ask Any Cat!
  • Homeowners, Don’t Get Eaten Alive By The Shark

To read more and see the Fun Videos, click here

My comment: I love the humor at Fun animated gifs and video commercials!!!

Appraisal Business Tips 

Humor for Appraisers

Covid-19 Residential Appraisers Tips on Staying Safe

To read more of this long blog post, click Read More Below!!

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